Chinese Lunar Age Calculator

Chinese Lunar Age Calculator

Chinese Lunar Age Result

The age calculator takes the user's birthdate as input. When the "Calculate" button is clicked, the Calculate Age function is called. This function retrieves the birthdate value and compares it with the date of the Chinese New Year for the current year. The lunar age is calculated by subtracting the birth year from the current year and adding 1 to account for being one year old at the time of birth. If the birthdate is before the Chinese New Year (either in the previous month or falls within one year before the Chinese New Year), an additional year is added to the lunar age to account for being two years old before the Chinese New Year. The result is displayed in the "Chinese Lunar Age Result" section. Please note that this code assumes the Chinese New Year falls in February. The calculation of the Chinese New Year date may vary in certain cases, and it is always recommended to consult specialized algorithms or lunar calendar experts for precise Chinese lunar age calculations.