- 4-5 tbsp Pineapple juice
- 1 (One) Banana (Peeled and Sliced)
- 1 Scoop Ice Cream (Strawberry Flavor)
- 1 (One) Pineapple (Sliced)
- 1 ½ Tbsp Coconut powder
Making of Pina Colada
Cut the pineapple into small pieces as wedges. Put two wedges of pineapple separately for decoration.
Put the chopped banana, coconut powder, ice cream, and pineapple pieces into a blender along with pineapple juice. Shake the mixture to get a smooth consistency.
Pina Colada is ready. Pour it into glasses and put the small wedges of pineapple or a cherry on the edge of glasses for decoration. The juice is to be served immediately.