Delicious and Traditional Mango Yogurt Lassi


Delicious and Traditional Mango Yogurt Lassi, namkeen and meethi lassi is a symbol of punjab
  • 1 cup Mango pulpy (cut into small pieces.)
  • 2 cup Yogurt (Plain)
  • 6 tbsp Sugar
  • 2 cup Ice (Crushed)

How to Make

  1. Add mango pieces, yogurt, sugar and ice in a blender. blend it well until get smooth. if the smoothie is thick then add some water to get the desired thickness. 
  2. Keep refrigerated and serve as chill, can be garnished with a twig of mint.
Lassi is a traditional drink famous in India and Pakistani Punjab, can be made with a lot of different flavors, Different fruits can be used along with above ingredients and separately.